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All about eyelash extensions: application, duration and care

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Eyelash extensions: A growing technique

Achieving longer, voluminous and defined eyelashes without resorting to mascara is a common goal when applying makeup. The eyelash extensions technique has become increasingly popular, offering long-lasting results and everyday comfort.

Eyelash extensions consist of the application of synthetic or natural hair on each natural eyelash, achieving an effect of greater volume and length. This treatment, born in Korea in the 2000s, has become popular for its ease of application and the comfort it provides on a daily basis.

Duration and Maintenance

Eyelash extensions can last up to 4-5 weeks and require maintenance every 15-20 days to maintain them permanently. It is important that this treatment be performed by a specialized professional, using quality products specific to the eye area and eyelash extensions.

Application process

The process of applying eyelash extensions involves several steps, including cleaning the natural lashes, applying a primer, separating and applying the extensions to the natural lashes, and final sealing. This procedure is performed alternating eyes for approximately 80 minutes.

Care and Recommendations

It is essential to follow the care recommendations for eyelash extensions, including avoiding contact with water during the first 24 hours after application, not rubbing or pulling the extensions, and using specific products for cleaning.

In addition, it is advisable to remove all extensions every 3 months and perform the complete treatment again. Regular maintenance is key to keeping extensions in optimal condition.

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