Barcelona Architecture Weeks: an opportunity to experience architecture from the inside

Barcelona Architecture Weeks are an annual event that offers a unique opportunity for all architecture lovers…

During the Architecture Weeks, participants will have the opportunity to discover fascinating exhibitions, participate in competitions and prizes, attend interesting gatherings…

One of the strong points of this event is the presentation of a historical-architectural study of Palau Montaner, seat of the Government Delegation in Catalonia…

The Architecture Weeks also have the participation of outstanding experts in the field of architecture…

One of the most anticipated moments of the Architecture Weeks is the Award Ceremony of the European Union Contemporary Architecture Award / Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024…

For more information on the detailed program of the Architecture Weeks, you can consult the official website at…

In addition to the Architecture Weeks, Barcelona offers other interesting proposals for all tastes…

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience architecture from the inside and discover everything Barcelona has to offer in this area…

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