Inici » Commemoration: The most combative Guimerà is claimed on stage in Manresa

Commemoration: The most combative Guimerà is claimed on stage in Manresa

tres homes dempeus en un escenari amb les mans a la butxaca i l'esquena girada cap al costat, amb les mans a la butxaca, David Annand, ambientat el 1860, una pintura renaixentista, fluxus

The Federation of Amateur Theater Groups of Catalonia (FGATC) commemorates the centenary of Guimerà’s death

The Federation of Amateur Theater Groups of Catalonia (FGATC) joins the events commemorating the centenary of Guimerà’s death with the production Guimerà: Women, power and passion. This play, directed by Valeri Laguna and Francesc Parcerisas, will be performed today at the Conservatory theater in Manresa. The performance is part of the Catalan Summer University (UCE) and will be introduced by Manresa philologist Neus Oliveras i Samitier. The ticket is free and can be obtained through the website or collected from the box office of the Kursaal theater in Manresa.

Guimerà: Women, power and passion claims the most combative facet of the playwright

The play Guimerà: Women, power and passion highlights the more combative side of Guimerà, considered the father of modern Catalan theatre. This show recalls the speech ‘The Catalan language’, delivered by Guimerà at the Ateneu Barcelonès during his presidency of the institution. In addition, the work includes fragments of Guimerà’s master trilogy, which includes the works Maria Rosa, Terra baixa and La filla del mar.

The participation of different theater groups in the work

The stage proposal of the FGATC has had the collaboration of the Taller d’Assaig de Teatre (TAT) of Vilafranca, the Associació Cultural Recreativa de Fals and the group La Torre de les Gunyoles. The play has the participation of the actresses Sandra Olmedo, Txell Miret, Anna Fuhui Gol and Mireia Segura, who interpret the monologues of the protagonists of Guimerà’s plays.

A multidisciplinary show

Valeri Laguna and Francesc Parcerisas have decided to direct a multidisciplinary show. In addition to the interpretation of the texts, the work includes contemporary dance movements by Nàdia Pesarrodona and musical interpretation of songs by Lluís Giménez by Cinta and Josep Macià.

Upcoming activities of the Year of Guimerà in Manresa

The Year of Guimerà in Manresa will continue with the exhibition ‘Guimerà, to kill the wolf’, given by the Institution of Catalan Letters, which can be visited at Espai Plana de l’Om from September 10. This exhibition is one of the various activities organized by more than fifteen entities in Manresa and the region to commemorate the centenary of Guimerà’s death.

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