Inici » Debunking the myth of digestion interruption: the truth about bathing after eating

Debunking the myth of digestion interruption: the truth about bathing after eating

una dona en bikini asseguda a una piscina amb un paraigua al cap i una cadira darrere, Alex Grey, humit, una escultura de marbre, videoart

The myth of the digestion cut

The popular belief that bathing after eating can cause digestion disruption has been debunked by the medical community. Although for decades the idea of ​​waiting a reasonable amount of time before entering the water has been established, there is no scientific support to support this statement.

Traditionally, people have been advised to wait at least two hours after eating before bathing to avoid a supposed digestive arrest. However, according to an article published in the journal ‘Educación Médica’, this recommendation lacks scientific basis.

The reality behind digestion and bathing

After eating food, the gastrointestinal tract requires an increase in blood flow to carry out digestive functions. Despite this, there is no evidence to suggest that bathing after eating can cause cramps, choking, or disrupt digestion.

The real problem when bathing after eating lies in the thermal shock that can occur between the outside temperature and the water temperature. Therefore, the main recommendation is to enter the water gradually to avoid this sudden impact.

Debunking other summer myths

In addition to debunking the myth of digestion interruption, the article also addresses the falsehood of certain beliefs related to jellyfish stings. It is noted that the application of home remedies such as urine, baking soda, lemon juice, shaving cream, dish soap or cola does not relieve the discomfort, and could even worsen the situation.

The importance of washing the affected area with seawater rather than fresh water is emphasized, as the latter could increase the discharge of venom. Likewise, the use of home remedies not supported by scientific evidence is discouraged.

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