Face to Face Trump-Biden: The first electoral debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden


The first electoral debate between the former president of the United States and Republican candidate, Donald Trump, and the current leader, Joe Biden, is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, June 27 on CNN. This appointment has generated a lot of anticipation and several previous controversies have already occurred.

Warming up before the debate

Donald Trump has begun to heat up the meeting with a publication on his social network —Truth— in which he has challenged Joe Biden to submit to a drug test before the debate. This isn’t the first time Trump has hinted that Biden will show up under the influence of drugs in the face-to-face. In addition, Trump has used Biden’s age as a point of criticism, adding to his usual provocations.

Preparation of candidates

Joe Biden has been meeting with his team at Camp David for days to prepare for this Thursday’s meeting. For his part, Trump has alternated rallies with meetings at his Mar-a-Lago mansion in Florida with advisers. The candidates are expected to use different strategies to attack each other during the debate.

Details of the debate

This Thursday’s debate will be unusual as the campaigns have not yet formally started. During the face-to-face only the microphone of the candidate whose turn to speak will be open to avoid interruptions. The second debate is scheduled for September 10 and will be hosted by ABC News. The CNN debate will be held without an audience, thus fulfilling one of Biden’s demands. The head-to-head will be moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Audience expectations

CNN expects the debate to be widely watched and record ratings, like the 2016 showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. It’s the first time the debate has been held so early, more than four months after the election. . The candidates have not yet been officially nominated by their respective parties.

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