How to choose the best fresh fish according to the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU)


The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) is an organization dedicated to carrying out analyzes on various products and foods consumed in Catalonia. The main objective of the OCU is to help consumers make informed decisions in their purchases.

How to choose the best fish

When buying fish, there are several important factors to consider. The OCU has carried out a comprehensive study analyzing 38 supermarket chains to determine which option offers the best fresh fish.

One of the key factors is the freshness of the fish. It is important to know how to distinguish between fresh fish and fish that is not. The OCU has provided some keys to help with this task:

1. Needle color

The needle of fresh fish should be reddish in color and never brown. This is an indication of its freshness.

2. Bright eyes

The eyes of fresh fish should be bright, protruding and alive. Sunken eyes are an indicator that the fish is not fresh.

3. Smooth and firm texture

Fresh fish should have a smooth and firm texture. As time passes, the fish tends to get softer, indicating that it is not as fresh.

4. Luster

Fresh fish should shine. This can be checked by comparing it with other options.

5. Gut coating

The coating of fresh fish guts should be shiny and complete.

The best supermarket to buy fresh fish

According to the OCU study, the best supermarket to buy fresh fish is Costco. This chain has obtained a score of 93 out of 100, demonstrating its excellence in the quality of its products.

In second place is Esclat, an option present in Catalonia, with a score of 88 out of 100. It closes the BonPreu ranking, with a score of over 80 points.


When buying fresh fish, it is important to consider freshness and quality. By following the keys provided by the OCU and choosing the recommended supermarkets, consumers will be able to enjoy the best fresh fish on their table.

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