JxCat challenge after the election results

A new approach for JxCat

JxCat finds itself at a crossroads following the election results, taking a defiant approach reminiscent of a spoiled child who refuses to play when things are not going in his favor. Despite not having won the Catalan elections on May 12 or the European elections on June 9, the party insists that its candidate, Carles Puigdemont, be the new president of the Generalitat, despite the overwhelming victory of the PSC in the European elections.

Election results and repercussions

JxCat crash

The electoral results show a significant decline for JxCat, which has lost 10.61% of the votes and has gone from a dominant position to second place with reduced representation. The abstention of the pro-independence electorate has been a determining factor in this setback, affecting JxCat more severely than its rival, ERC.

Strengthening the PSC

The PSC has emerged stronger from the European elections, obtaining an overwhelming majority that reinforces the position of its candidate, Salvador Illa, as a legitimate option for the presidency of the Generalitat. The PSC victory has challenged JxCat’s narrative and weakened its claim to the presidency.

Future perspectives

Possible political blockade

JxCat’s insistence on conditioning the leadership of his party on the continuity of Pedro Sánchez in Moncloa could lead to a political blockade that eventually results in the repetition of the elections. However, this strategy poses significant risks for sovereigntist forces, given the decline in their electoral support in recent elections.

Reflection and responsibility

JxCat is urged to face the reality of its electoral results and to avoid looking for excuses. Blaming other parties or the call for elections does not change the fact that JxCat has consistently lost electoral support in several consecutive elections. It is crucial that the party undertakes a serious reflection on its trajectory and the discontent of a significant part of the electorate.

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