Inici » La Cerdanya: Defense of the Landscape and Rejection of Solar Panels

La Cerdanya: Defense of the Landscape and Rejection of Solar Panels

un gran camp de plaques solars a la zona de la muntanya d'una ciutat, amb un camí de terra que la travessa, Évariste Vital Luminais, solarpunk, una foto d'estoc, art ecològic

The Solar Panel Controversy in the Cerdagne Valley

La Cerdanya is in the middle of a controversy over the possible installation of a park of solar panels in the municipality of Das. Both the Regional Council and the town councils are waiting for a response from Climate Action on this issue, after expressing a frontal rejection of the project.

The Position of the President of the County Council

The president of the Regional Council and mayor of Bolvir, Isidre Chia, has expressed his concern regarding the silence of the Climate Action department. He has affirmed that they are all united in the decision not to allow any action that negatively affects the Cerdanya landscape.

Environmental Impact and Local Benefits

Chia has emphasized that the possible installation of the solar panel park would not only have a major environmental impact on the landscape, but also raises the question of whether energy production would really benefit Cerdanya. In addition, he pointed out that this energy would not stay in the territory, providing no local benefit.

Reactions and Actions of the Region

The Cerdanya Council of Mayors has already approved a motion against the project, arguing that it could saturate the area’s power line, preventing the possible implementation of other solar plants that could represent a benefit for the region. In addition, they have asked for a moratorium on licenses for the implementation of solar or wind farms on land that cannot be developed.

Future Outlook

At the moment, there is no scheduled meeting between the Council, the town councils and the Generalitat. Isidre Chia has expressed his personal perception that the project is at a standstill, especially because the municipality of Das itself is also opposed to its installation.

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