New Innovative Technique to Control Male Urinary Incontinence

The Prevalence of Male Urinary Incontinence

Male urinary incontinence is a common problem that affects a considerable percentage of men, especially as they age. In Spain, it is estimated that around 7% of men between 50 and 60 years old experience involuntary urine loss. This figure increases significantly with age, reaching 29% in men over 65 years of age and up to 50% in men over 85 years of age.

Causes and Risk Factors

In addition to the age-related factor, male urinary incontinence may be associated with prostate surgeries, especially in cases of radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. This condition can cause an urge to urinate and a significant emotional impact on patients.

Innovative Treatment Devices

Patients affected by male urinary incontinence have a variety of devices at their disposal to mitigate its physical and emotional effects. These devices fall into two categories: those that require patient activation, such as artificial urinary sphincters, and those that do not require patient intervention, such as meshes and other adjustable devices.

Innovative Technique at Vithas University Hospital Madrid

At the Vithas Madrid University Hospital, a pioneering technique has been implemented to control urinary incontinence in men. This technique consists of the use of a mini mesh that allows the tension of the urethra to be adjusted and readjusted at any stage of the patient’s life, providing a personalized approach to the treatment of this condition.

Advantages of Mini Mesh

The mini mesh used in this technique is suitable for patients with various levels of urinary incontinence, from mild to severe. Its implantation is carried out in three simple steps, with the possibility of adjusting the tension of the mesh support after the intervention. If necessary, the mesh can be readjusted in the future through a local surgical procedure, offering a versatile solution adaptable to the individual needs of each patient.

Simplicity and Benefits for Patients

Implantation of this mini mesh is a relatively simple procedure that is performed under general anesthesia. After the intervention, the adjustment of the tension of the mesh support is carried out in a short period of time, allowing the patient to return home the same day. This innovative technique offers significant advantages, as it avoids compression of the urethra, prevents urine loss associated with daily activities and allows a personalized fit to minimize urinary retention.

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