Political negotiations in Catalonia: A new scenario in the presidency of the Generalitat

A Change of Approach in Negotiations

The PSOE has expressed its position of not advancing in the talks in Switzerland until it is clarified who leads the Generalitat. This situation poses a new scenario in the negotiations, since the dialogue table was not established between President Aragonès and President Sánchez, but rather the legitimacy of President Puigdemont as interlocutor was recognized. However, with the investiture of Illa, the dynamics at the debate table could change, diminishing the influence of Puigdemont and the independence movement.

Illa’s Role and Political Implications

Illa has assumed that the presidency falls naturally to him, but by mathematically depending on the independence movement, he faces challenges. The PSC, which has criticized the pro-independence supporters for supposedly ignoring a significant part of the population, now appears to be ignoring the pro-independence sector. This position could be a strategic error, since the PSC seeks to govern Catalonia without considering the independence sector.

The Importance of Respect and Representation

It is crucial to recognize that there is no future for Catalonia without considering the independentists. Socialism must understand that, despite having stopped the independence process, they have not solved the problem or eliminated its social influence. Ignoring a significant portion of the population is not sustainable in the long term.

Challenges for Independenceism

The independence movement faces the task of convincing its electorate that its political approach is the most appropriate. Professional management of public affairs and the ability to negotiate with Madrid and Brussels are key aspects that they must demonstrate. Furthermore, they must guarantee a viable and better future for Catalonia, moving away from unilateralism and focusing on the negotiation and development of specific content.

The Role of Negotiation and Expectation of Results

In the current context, negotiation is essential. Both political parties and independence supporters must seek effective political victories. Unilateralism, both Catalan and Spanish, has no place until the result of the ongoing talks is clarified. It is essential that parties are aware of their fragility and seek to be effective in their political actions.

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