Reactions of the Catalan community in France to the legislative elections

The concern of the Catalan community

Sunday sees the first round of the legislative elections in France, called early by Emmanuel Macron after the European elections on June 9. Faced with the rise of the extreme right, Catalans residing in France observe with fear and respect the possibility of a victory for the extreme right party Reagrupanent Nacional, led by Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella.

Jesús Crespo, a Catalan who has lived in Paris for 15 years, expresses his concern about the situation, stressing that many Catalans feel like foreigners in a foreign country. He also mentions his interest in obtaining French nationality.

Chloé González, who has dual nationality, also shares her concerns about the possibility of the far right coming to power, especially given the potential repression this could entail for those who are not European.

Surprise and reaction to the rise of the extreme right

Jesús Crespo comments that his close circle is surprised by the good results of the extreme right in the European elections on June 9. He highlights that the general reaction is one of questioning about support for this party.

Chloé González, for her part, points out that the concern of Catalans is not only focused on the extreme right, but that there is also concern about the political situation in Europe in general, as well as in Spain.

Participation in elections and expectations

There is uncertainty about participation in the elections, with the possibility that the second round in July will affect mobilization, especially among those opposed to the extreme right.

Chloé González expresses her hope for greater mobilization, although she recognizes the disillusionment of many people with politics. He highlights that these elections highlight the tense social climate that has been experienced in France for years.

Marine Le Pen’s position on Carles Puigdemont

Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Rally party, has expressed her opposition to the possible return of Carles Puigdemont, threatening to prevent his operation in France if he wins the elections.

Puigdemont’s response was immediate, refuting Le Pen’s statements and reaffirming his intention to return and confront any attempt to limit the freedom of movement of European citizens.

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