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Taylor Swift shows her admiration for Simone Biles at the Olympic trials

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Taylor Swift’s admiration for Simone Biles

Singer Taylor Swift, 34, has expressed her admiration for gymnast Simone Biles, 27, during the 2024 Olympic trials. Swift praised Biles for using the song ‘Ready for It’ as the soundtrack for her routine. ground on the second day of testing. This gesture demonstrates the connection between the world of music and sports, and how songs can inspire and motivate athletes at key moments in their careers.

Simone Biles’ impact on the Olympic trials

Simone Biles has left an indelible mark on the Olympic gymnastics events. Her floor routine, in which she used the Taylor Swift song, was acclaimed by the audience and commentators. Biles performed a triple double, considered the most difficult tumbling pass in the world, and she demonstrated her skill and dexterity in every move. Furthermore, her choice of music gave a special touch to her performance, showing her personality and unique style.

Taylor Swift’s support for Simone Biles

Taylor Swift has closely followed Simone Biles’ Olympic trials and has praised her talent and dedication. In a clip shared by NBC, Swift expressed her excitement at seeing Biles’ routine and highlighted her preparation and determination. This gesture of support demonstrates the mutual admiration between both artists and how music can unite people from different backgrounds.

Simone Biles’ legacy in gymnastics

Simone Biles has left an indelible mark on gymnastics history. Her skill, bravery and dedication have inspired future generations of gymnasts. Her performance in the 2024 Olympic trials has been an example of excellence and improvement. Biles has shown that with determination and hard work, great achievements can be achieved in any field.

Taylor Swift’s impact on music

Taylor Swift is one of the most influential artists in the music industry. Her talent and versatility have led her to conquer stages all over the world. With her music, Swift has managed to connect with millions of people and transmit powerful messages. Her support for Simone Biles is another example of how music can unite people and be a source of inspiration in different areas of life.


Taylor Swift’s admiration for Simone Biles during the 2024 Olympic trials is an example of how music can inspire and motivate athletes at key moments in their careers. Biles has left an indelible mark on gymnastics with her talent and dedication, and Swift continues to be an influential figure in the music industry. Both artists demonstrate the power of music to unite people and transmit powerful messages.

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