The Impact of Weather Predictions on History

The Role of Weather Predictions in Historical Events

Weather predictions have had a significant impact on historical events, and their influence goes beyond simply telling us about the weather. In the past, these forecasts have been used strategically in war situations, leading to surprise attacks and successful invasions.

Hitler’s Meteorologist

During the impending invasion of Norway and Denmark, Hitler consulted a prominent meteorologist to obtain detailed forecasts for Europe. Without revealing his specific interest, the date of the invasion was scheduled according to these forecasts, which turned out to be accurate. In gratitude, Hitler presented the meteorologist with a personalized gold watch.

The Attack on Pearl Harbor

In the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese contacted several meteorologists to identify the optimal date and time for the invasion, awaiting the arrival of a cold front. This successful attack was due to taking advantage of the weather conditions, with the planes hidden in the clouds. This strategy allowed the surprise attack that changed the course of history.

Innovative Inventions

Finally, in a different twist, two inventions stand out: one effective and one not so much. In Fukuoka, Japan, a retractable roof was implemented at a kindergarten to protect children from the heat. On the other hand, an invention is shown that turned out to be an obvious failure, as can be seen in the images.

Next Weather Forecast

Alfred Rodríguez Picó and Xavi Freixes will present the next weather forecast on on July 4. Do not miss it!

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