The importance of the Muslim voice in the fight against climate change

The Muslim voice in the debate on climate change

A quarter of the world’s population is Muslim, with 1.9 billion followers. However, in the debates on climate change, the voice of intellectuals from Islam is not the majority, like that of other religions and beliefs. It would seem that to defend ecology you have to be an atheist. However, the lack of Muslim representatives is striking, considering that Muslim-majority countries are the most affected by the climate emergency, especially in the south of the planet. Countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh face urgent challenges related to climate change.

Islam and the defense of the environment

Although Islam is not commonly associated with the defense of the climate, like other religions, its teachings also promote care for the environment and natural resources. Muslims see themselves as guardians or caliphs of the planet and believe they will be held accountable to God for how they have treated the earth. Islamic tradition emphasizes the safeguarding and conservation of the planet.

Muslim initiatives in favor of the environment

There are various Muslim initiatives that seek to promote sustainable practices and reduce environmental impact. For example, the Green Hajj is an initiative that seeks to make the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the five pillars of Islam, more sustainable. This initiative promotes ecological practices among the millions of pilgrims, such as waste reduction and the use of biodegradable materials. In addition, the Islamic Declaration on Climate Change has been signed, in which more than 60 Muslim leaders from around the world urge governments, companies and individuals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and use renewable energy.

Examples of sustainable actions in the Muslim community

In the United States, there are Green Muslims, an entity that is dedicated to cleaning rivers, planting trees and organizing sessions in schools on sustainability. There is also the Green Ramadan Campaign, which promotes waste reduction and recycling during the fasting month. Additionally, some mosques implement sustainable practices, such as gardening to conserve soil and biodiversity, installing solar panels, and reducing water use.

The environmental crisis as a spiritual crisis

According to Muslim experts, the environmental crisis is not only a physical problem, but also a spiritual one. It is argued that the environmental crisis reflects a spiritual crisis in society. To counter this crisis, it is proposed that religion can play an important role. Some philosophers and ecology experts from the Muslim perspective argue that the environmental crisis can be addressed from a spiritual perspective, recognizing the interconnection between the human world and the natural world.

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