The influence of similarity on human relationships

The search for validation and similarity

It is common to observe that some couples, with the passage of time, seem to blend in. This phenomenon may be related to the search for external validation, especially in those who have unmet emotional needs. Likewise, people who avoid conflict and are easy to forgive tend to look for partners who respect their way of being and whom they can trust. A study by psychologist Robert Zajonc of the University of Michigan concluded that couples tend to become physically similar over time.

Attraction by similarity

Research conducted at Stanford has shown that people tend to be attracted to those who have physical characteristics similar to their own. This phenomenon can be observed in the choice of partners, where a tendency to look for physical similarities is evident.

Imitation and social relations

Imitation is a relevant aspect in human relationships. People often tend to imitate what they like about others, which can influence the way they relate. In addition, it has been observed that friendships often share genetic similarities, as evidenced by studies conducted at Yale University.

The influence of similarity on pet choice

Similarity also plays an important role in choosing pets. There is scientific evidence to support the theory that people tend to choose pets that share physical similarities with them. This choice may reflect aspects of the owners’ personality and nature.


Similarity and mutual influence are significant aspects in human relationships. From choosing a partner to selecting friends and pets, the tendency to look for physical and genetic similarities influences the formation of bonds. These findings invite us to reflect on the importance of similarity in our social and emotional interactions.

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