The legacy of Juan Carlos I and his relationship with the Spanish royal family

The emeritus and his relationship with the royal family

Juan Carlos I would be willing to do anything to affect Letizia’s reign, but he is aware that this would also impact Felipe VI, Leonor and Sofía, so he is not willing to harm his family. If someone seeks revenge on the monarch, he will have to find another way to do it. Despite living in exile for four years, the emeritus’ visits to Spain are increasingly common, trying to go unnoticed and move normally, avoiding the presence of the press.

Family meetings

The emeritus meets privately with his family in Spain. Infanta Elena visits him regularly in Sanxenxo and accompanies him at the regattas. She also makes sure to see Froilán, who, despite having other plans, always travels with him on the private plane. Victoria Federica, another of her granddaughters, does not miss the opportunity to be with her grandfather, one of the most important people in her life.

Devotion to grandchildren

Juan Carlos has a special affection for Froilán and Victoria Federica, perhaps because they are the oldest. He has always taken care of them more than any other grandchild, especially when Infanta Elena separated from Jaime de Marichalar and the teenagers caused him a lot of problems.

Concerns and decisions

The emeritus does not want Victoria Federica to pursue a career as an actress. Although he offered to take Froilán to the Arab Emirates to get him away from the media spotlight, they did not achieve the same effect with Victoria Federica. She was offered to study fashion in Milan or the United States to professionalize her social networks, but they were not successful. She will continue in Spain as an influencer, and will even participate in the ‘El Desafío’ program starting in January 2025.

Stopping projects

It was recently rumored that Victoria Federica could have signed a contract to participate in a series, but Juan Carlos has intervened to prevent it. The details are unknown, but it seems that the project will not come to fruition due to the intervention of the emeritus, who has paid a considerable sum to stop Victoria Federica’s participation. He considers it not suitable for her and prefers to prevent her from being under public scrutiny or pursuing that career permanently.

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