The rebirth of the traditional wife on social media

The rise of traditional wife profiles on social networks

On social media platforms, especially TikTok and Instagram, a trend has emerged in which women promote and showcase the ‘traditional wife’ or ‘tradwife’ lifestyle. Some of the most popular profiles in the United States are those of Nara Smith (@naraaziza) and Hannah Neeleman (@ballerinafarm), both belonging to the Mormon community. However, this trend has increasingly expanded globally, with similar profiles sharing aesthetically pleasing content, showing activities such as cooking from scratch and doing housework.

The appeal of this lifestyle

The appeal of this lifestyle and visual content lies in a feeling of dissatisfaction that some women experience today. Despite the economic independence achieved, many women feel that they have not achieved a satisfactory balance in their lives. Some sexual liberation has been enjoyed, but uncertainty remains about the level of satisfaction. Although we have lived in an era of greater freedom in raising children, the lack of financial resources to start a family generates tensions. This inner turmoil is a state that many generations of women have not had the opportunity to experience.

The life proposal of a ‘traditional wife’

The concept of ‘tradwife’ proposes a lifestyle that goes beyond superficial activities such as cooking or doing housework. It is presented as an option that seeks to satisfy deep longings of the soul, rooted in elements such as fulfillment through family, commitment and the creation of a loving home. However, this discourse also burdens women with the responsibility of maintaining the hegemonic family model, which reflects a historical imbalance.

The reactionary nature of the tradwife model

More than conservative, the tradwife model is reactionary, since it defends that there are only specific ways capable of preserving the family nucleus. This does not necessarily benefit women who want to relate to marriage, family or motherhood from a perspective that is realistic and compatible with other aspects of their lives. By making femininity dependent on this model, its optionality is limited and an unbalanced view of family responsibilities is perpetuated.

Final reflection

Ultimately, the promotion of the tradwife model raises questions about gender equality and the balance of responsibilities in the family. While exalting this return to a past perceived as free, a certain type of pressure and emotional blackmail is exerted. It is essential to question and reflect on the proposed life models, considering their impact on today’s society.

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