The relationship between Felipe and Letizia: Rumors of divorce and tensions in the crown

A relationship in question

In recent months there has been a lot of talk about the relationship between Felipe and Letizia, and once again the veracity of their marriage has been questioned. Although in 2012 there was talk of a deep crisis between them, this time the divorce rumors have been more intense. Several media outlets have speculated about the possibility of a divorce, but if that had happened, it would have been a very hard blow to the crown.

The impact on the crown

The smear campaign against Letizia has caused damage to both her and the crown. The queen has silently faced rumors of possible infidelity to Felipe VI, even by someone who had a romantic relationship with her. According to Jaime del Burgo, the queen would have deceived the king for several years. These rumors arose in 2012, when the monarchs experienced a major crisis (

A distant relationship

In recent months, Felipe VI has led a life apart from Letizia. Almost every weekend he has left Zarzuela, but not because of institutional commitments. He has reunited with his childhood friends, such as the Fuster brothers, with whom the queen has no relationship. In the first years of marriage, Letizia forbade him from seeing her friends. Meanwhile, the queen has stayed at home, sometimes with her friends. Although there are rumors that each will lead an independent life, there is no official confirmation.

A lost love

It is evident that the love that once existed between Felipe and Letizia has completely disappeared. Now, their relationship is based on obligation towards the institution and showing a good image at official events. Before they used to share plans together, like going to the movies, even with their daughters when they were little. But now all that has disappeared.

An uncertain future

The atmosphere in Zarzuela is not good, so much so that even his daughters, Leonor and Sofía, want to leave. Leonor, who is now 18 years old, has expressed her desire to go on vacation with her friends. The family is completely divided, just like the Borbón family at the time (

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