The situation of health personnel in Catalonia

The lack of substitutions and other adjustment measures

In recent days, the decision of the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) to limit substitutions of health personnel during the summer, as well as to implement other adjustment measures, such as the closure of hospital beds and specific services, has been announced. These decisions are due to the economic situation related to the extension of the Generalitat’s budget.

The ICS states that the reduction in human resources will have fewer consequences because, compared to 2019, the number of professionals has increased, especially in primary care. Specifically, 253 family doctors and 1,037 nurses have joined.

The reality behind the numbers

However, it is important to analyze official documentation to understand the real situation of healthcare personnel. There is a concept called ‘equivalent workforce’, which does not reflect the absolute number of people hired, but rather the full days worked. This means that if 10 doctors work in a primary care team, but each one assumes 10% more hours to cover absences or retirements, the system will count all the work hours performed and determine that there are 13 doctors instead of 10. This distorts the true size of the medical workforce and allows more favorable figures to be presented.

The lack of medical personnel in the public health system of Catalonia is evident and, what is worse, it is decreasing day by day. This reality cannot be hidden by the equivalent template. Overwork and continuous overload of medical staff generate discomfort and negatively affect the quality of care.

The work and mental load of medical staff

Female physicians face a considerable mental burden due to constant and complex decision-making, multiple demands, the need to stay updated, and the psychological pressure related to the possibility of making mistakes. Despite this, healthcare companies are not looking for solutions, but instead are consolidating measures that should only be applied in exceptional situations.

Political ethics should take precedence in the management of public health, and this means always telling the truth to citizens. The lack of medical personnel is evident and cannot be hidden. The mental and work-related suffering of female doctors, as well as the endless work hours to guarantee the public health service, are not sustainable in the long term. The new generations are aware that not everything is acceptable in the name of vocation.


The situation of health personnel in Catalonia is worrying. Adjustment measures and lack of substitutions negatively affect the quality of care and generate overwork for medical staff. Urgent measures need to be taken to ensure sufficient staff and adequate working conditions. The health of the population depends on it.

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