Inici » Tips for Using Mosquito Repellent Effectively and Safely

Tips for Using Mosquito Repellent Effectively and Safely

un primer pla d'una mosca sobre una superfície de fusta amb un fons borrós d'herba i arbres al fons, Aquirax Uno, fotografia macro, fotografia macro, antípodes

The Importance of Using Mosquito Repellent Properly

During the summer season, mosquitoes can become a constant nuisance. Although they rarely pose a serious health problem, mosquito bites can cause skin reactions, swelling, and even transmit diseases. For this reason, the demand for mosquito repellents increases considerably during these months.

The General Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacists has provided instructions on the proper use of mosquito repellents. It is essential to follow these recommendations to ensure effective protection against bites, while avoiding possible poisoning or adverse reactions.

Important Indications for the Use of Mosquito Repellents

It is crucial to carefully read the instructions for use of each product, since its composition and application may vary. Some general considerations include:

Application and Areas of Use

Repellents should be applied to exposed areas of the skin, avoiding use under clothing. It is advisable to use them at times of the day when bites are more frequent, such as in the early morning and at dusk.

Precautions and Specific Recommendations

Contact of the repellent with mucous membranes, eyelids, lips, wounds, sunburns, sensitive skin or deep skin folds should be avoided. If you use sunscreen, it is preferable to apply them first and wait at least 30 minutes before using the repellent.

In the case of spray repellents, you should avoid applying them directly to the face, opting to apply it to your hands and then distribute it. Likewise, it is recommended to use repellents with a spray bottle in open spaces to avoid inhalation of the product.

After application, it is important to wash your hands and, when the protection is finished, wash the areas of the body where the repellent was applied with soap and water. Additionally, the repellent should be kept out of the reach of children.

Recommendations for Children and Use of Repellent Bracelets

For children, the use of physical barriers such as long clothing or mosquito nets is suggested to prevent bites. If you need repellents, it is essential to consult the product labeling and leaflet to determine its suitability.

Regarding repellent bracelets, it should be taken into account that some contain biocides and are subject to health authorization, while others contain non-biocidal substances, such as citronella. It is important to follow the recommendations of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products for their correct identification and use.

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