Inici » Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

un primer pla d'una mosca sobre una taula amb un fons marró i una franja blanca i negra al costat, Aquirax Uno, fotografia macro, fotografia macro, neoplasticisme

Factors influencing mosquito bites

With the arrival of summer, mosquitoes are once again a nuisance for many people. It’s funny how some people seem to be more prone to mosquito bites than others. Why does this happen? There are several factors that influence the preference of mosquitoes by some people:

1. Blood group

Mosquitoes have a preference for blood types O and B, especially if they are negative. People with these blood types are more likely to get mosquito bites.

2. Body odor

Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of sweat and higher body temperatures. This explains why people who play sports outdoors or are physically active may be more prone to mosquito bites.

3. Carbon dioxide

Mosquitoes are also attracted to the carbon dioxide we emit when we breathe. People who emit more carbon dioxide, such as pregnant women or the elderly, may be more prone to mosquito bites.

4. Clothing colors

Mosquitoes can be attracted to certain colors of clothing, such as black or navy blue, and are less sensitive to green and yellow tones. However, be aware that yellow can attract bees and wasps, which can be even more annoying.


In summary, there are several factors that influence mosquito bites. Blood type, body odor, carbon dioxide, and clothing colors can all determine whether a person is more prone to mosquito bites or not. It is important to consider these factors and take appropriate measures to protect yourself from mosquito bites, such as using repellents or dressing appropriately.

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