Inici » Why the Royals choose white at important events: A look at the symbolism

Why the Royals choose white at important events: A look at the symbolism

un grup de persones amb vestit i corbata parades una al costat de l'altra davant d'un edifici i una catifa vermella, Caroline Lucy Scott, simetria perfecta, un barroc flamenc, neoclassicisme

The meaning of white in the Royals’ clothing

The color white has long been the Royals’ favorite for proclamation events and other important events. Although he is known for his elegance and sophistication, his choice goes beyond fashion.

The outfits selected by the Royals for public events are carefully planned, from the details to the colors. In significant events, such as changes of era or new beginnings, it is common to see them wearing white suits or dresses.

Examples of Royals White Outfits

Queen Letizia surprised with a white suit at her marriage proposal, and later, at the proclamation of Felipe VI, she once again opted for a white dress and matching coat. Princess Leonor, on her 18th birthday, also chose a white suit, recreating Queen Letizia’s look when she proposed for her hand. Outside of Spain, Mary of Denmark and Camilla of England also opted for the traditional white dress on the day of their coronations.

Even at times of important public reappearances, such as Kate Middleton after a period of absence due to medical treatment, she was seen wearing a white dress with contrasting finishes.

The symbolism of white among the Royals

The color white symbolizes peace, purity, modernity and the expectation of creation. It represents hope, order, calm, protection and tranquility, fundamental values ​​in times of change. This sophisticated color conveys a message of unity, peace, new values ​​and the beginning of a new era.

In short, the Royals’ choice of white goes beyond fashion; It is a tradition that seeks to transmit values ​​of hope, peace and unity in significant moments.

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