Inici » A New Economic Era: Inflation Begins to Retract

A New Economic Era: Inflation Begins to Retract

una sèrie de blocs petits amb el número vint-i-nou en un passadís de la biblioteca amb piles de llibres, Andries Stock, bon control de valor, una foto d'estoc, superplana

Inflation Hits Bottom: A Turn in the Trend

Recently, data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) indicate that inflation in Spain has experienced a notable decline, standing at 2.2% during the month of August. This figure represents a fall of six tenths compared to the same period last year, marking the lowest level since June 2023.

Key Factors in Price Reduction

The decrease in prices can be attributed mainly to food and fuels, two sectors that have experienced stabilization after a period of high volatility. The prices of these products have started to fall back thanks to a more predictable market, and this has contributed to the consolidation of a new trend in the consumer price index (CPI).

A Deep Analysis of Trends

Despite the optimism that the year-on-year reduction can generate, it is important to emphasize that this does not necessarily imply a fall in absolute prices. August 2023 saw fuel prices rise, driven by various global tensions, while the cost of the shopping basket remained high over the past summer.

Stability and Annual Comparison

In contrast to August of the previous year, where an increase in the CPI of 0.5% was recorded, the current stability of prices indicates a significant change in economic dynamics. However, the underlying index, which excludes the most volatile elements, has experienced a slight decrease, standing at 2.7%.

Political Reaction: Government Celebrations

The Ministry of Economy has enthusiastically welcomed these data, interpreting them as a victory for its economic policy. Carlos Cuerpo, the Minister of Economy, has highlighted the effectiveness of the measures adopted by the Spanish government, which have allowed sustained economic growth accompanied by reductions in inflation.

A Promising Future

Hoping for a continuation of this downward trend, Cuerpo has stated that current policies are aligned with an increase in household purchasing power, a dynamic that could contribute to greater stabilization of the market in the long term.

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