Deputies’ Property Declarations in Parliament: Analysis and Context

Transparency and Financial Control in Parliament

Deputies are obliged to make declarations of their assets in Parliament at the start of a new legislature, with the aim of guaranteeing transparency and control of their assets during their mandate. This practice provides an insight into the resources of major political actors and reveals relevant information about their holdings, such as mortgages, pension plans and second homes.

The Richest Members of Parliament

The Parliament has published the property declarations of the 135 deputies who will occupy the chamber during the next four years. Surprisingly, former councilor Jaume Giró tops the list as the richest deputy, with a fortune of 7.2 million euros. Giró has amassed his fortune in the private sector, holding more than 100 business positions in 68 companies.

Political Leaders and Their Heritage

When analyzing the assets of the leaders of each formation in the new Parliament, Josep Maria Jové of ERC stands out as the political leader with the most resources, with 130,000 euros in the bank and 55,960 euros in investments, in addition to two properties valued at 245,000 euros. Carles Puigdemont, the president in exile, has 120,000 euros in the bank, 50% of a flat bought in 2004 and a mortgage of 100,000 euros. Salvador Illa, head of the socialist ranks, has 67,343.16 euros in the bank and a pension plan of 60,000 euros, in addition to owning 50% of a flat in Barcelona.

Other Political Leaders and their Possessions

Jéssica Albiach of the Commons owns a house without a mortgage and 51,000 euros saved in the current account. Alejandro Fernández, leader of the PP, stands out for having an apartment, three rustic properties and a second residence, four of which he inherited. The leader of the CUP, Laia Estrada, has 25,000 euros saved and 50% of a house with an outstanding mortgage of 92,200 euros.

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