Meta halts plans to train its AI models with users’ posts on Facebook and Instagram

Meta decides to paralyze his plans

Meta has taken the decision to halt its plans to train its artificial intelligence language models with its users’ posts on Facebook and Instagram across the European Union and the European Economic Area. This decision has been revealed by the Data Protection Commission (DPC), Ireland’s data protection authority, in an official statement.

Agreement with the European authorities

Ireland’s Data Protection Commission has reached an agreement with European authorities to curb Meta’s artificial intelligence development. This agreement has been taken after a long meeting about the data protection of Facebook and Instagram users.

Meta’s reaction

Meta has reacted with disappointment to the request of the Irish Data Protection Commission. They have expressed that this decision is a step backwards for European innovation and competition in the development of artificial intelligence. They have also regretted that this will mean more delays in bringing the benefits of artificial intelligence to the citizens of Europe (

Objection form

Facebook and Instagram users were already aware of Meta’s intentions regarding artificial intelligence. The company has implemented an objection form that allows users to object to the use of their posts to train Zuckerberg’s artificial intelligence models.

Goal Defense

Meta ensures that its approach complies with all European laws and regulations. They argue that training in artificial intelligence is not exclusive to their services and that they are more transparent than other companies in the sector. They also state that they will work to ensure that people in Europe have access to the same level of innovation in artificial intelligence as the rest of the world (

Delay in addressing specific requests

This delay in AI development will allow Meta to address specific requests they have received from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office before they begin training their models.

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