Friends Languages: The Innovative Methodology for Learning English

Introduction to Friends Languages

Learning a new language is an essential skill in today’s connected and globalized world. Friends Idiomes, an academy located in Manresa, offers an innovative methodology to bring English closer to children through the Great Little People method. This approach is aimed specifically at children between the ages of 1 and 8, offering a unique way of immersion in English that combines games, interactive activities and personalized attention.

La Metodologia Great Little People

Great Little People transforms children’s educational experience into an exciting combination of games and challenges. With a structure that includes several ‘corners’, students are immersed in a rich and stimulating learning environment. In addition, this methodology is not limited to the classroom, as Friends Languages ​​offers students the opportunity to continue learning from home through a digital platform and the educational app Great Little World. This provides a modern and interactive learning experience, ensuring that each student can progress at their own pace and adapt to their unique learning style.

Preparing Children for a Bilingual Future

The importance of being bilingual in today’s world is indisputable, and Friends Idiomes not only teaches English, but prepares children to conceive of the language as a second or third language. The sessions, entirely in English, provide a solid foundation for accurate pronunciation, effective communication skills and greater ability to learn other languages ​​in the future.

More Information and Contact

To learn more about the Great Little People model and what Friends Languages ​​offers, you can visit their website or enjoy a free first session. Take advantage of this opportunity to open the doors to a multilingual future for your children.

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