Inici » Ripoll will recover the theoretical driving tests

Ripoll will recover the theoretical driving tests

Dos mujeres miran la pantalla de una computadora con la imagen de una mujer y un bolígrafo en la mano, Elina Karimova, captura de pantalla, renderizado por computadora, les automatistes

An agreement between the SCT and the DGT will allow the displaced centers to reopen

The Catalan Traffic Service (SCT) and the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) reached an agreement yesterday to reactivate the theoretical driving tests at the displaced centers that had ceased their activity in Ripoll, Olot, Tortosa, the Seu d’ Urgell and La Pobla de Segur. According to this agreement, the SCT will provide the necessary IT equipment and the DGT the exam software. The first center to be put into operation will be Ripoll, in a space provided by the Ripollès Regional Council, and the Girona Driving School Federation will be responsible for coordinating this process.

The SCT demands the transfer of the skills of the practical exams

In the same meeting, the SCT took the opportunity to ask the DGT to cede to the Catalan government the powers to carry out the practical driving tests. The SCT considers that the measures adopted by the DGT, such as temporary work and overtime for examiners, are not sufficient to meet the existing demand – with 50,000 people waiting to take the exam – and that a fixed staff of this collective. The DGT admitted that Catalonia is the only community in the state where this problem exists.

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