Selectivity at the University of Barcelona: A Summer Air and Expectations

A Summer Environment at the Faculty of Economics and Business

At the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona (UB) the scent of summer is already beginning to be felt. This Thursday, the more than 42,500 students registered for the university entrance exams (PAU) make the final sprint to finish the selection process. The first test of the day – and the only one for some – was ‘Catalan Language and Literature’, another of the great challenges of this marathon of assessments. The nerves of the first day are no longer visible on the students’ faces, and even more so after a Catalan exam that was “very affordable”.

Diversity of Choices and Perceptions

Many of the students consulted have chosen option B of the test, motivated by the topic on artificial intelligence. Some have found this option more comfortable and have expressed confidence in passing it with flying colors. However, there are also those who have opted for option A to avoid technicalities about artificial intelligence.

Concerns and Future Changes

Students express doubts about penalties for misspellings and compulsory high school readings. These concerns will be modified with the new university entrance exams that will be applied in 2025.

The Chance of the Summer Holidays

After the exam, students are divided between preparing for other tests and the start of summer vacation. While some face the pending challenges, others are already enjoying the release of PAUs and starting to plan their vacations.

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