Take care: The importance of physical exercise in adult women


Around the age of 50, women experience a series of physiological changes that affect the musculoskeletal structure. These changes are mainly related to the decrease in estrogen levels during menopause. In fact, some changes already begin to appear from the age of 40. In addition to the known symptoms, at this stage the risk of suffering from various diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases, gynecological cancer, joint pain, muscle discomfort, weight gain and mood changes increases.

Physical exercise as a health tool

Physical exercise is an accessible and effective tool to reduce the risks associated with the physiological changes of menopause. In addition, it improves the general state of health. For women, it is important to focus on muscle strength training.

Exercise as a lifestyle

During the menopause stage, women should integrate physical exercise as part of their lifestyle. It is important that the exercise is enjoyable and not competitive, and that it includes aerobic activities and low osteoarticular impact. The aim is for exercise to become a daily routine and contribute to healthy ageing. This regular practice of physical exercise can help prevent systemic diseases, such as osteoporosis, improve body posture and increase muscle strength (https://correccioencatala.cat/com-estructura-text-catala/).

Characteristics of physical exercise

Physical exercise during menopause must work all muscle groups, including postural and pelvic floor muscles. It is recommended to do it at least two days a week, with an intensity between 70% and 85%. It is also important to include aerobic activities three to five days per week, as well as working on joint mobility and stretching (https://correccioencatala.cat/com-estructura-text-catala/).

Adaptation of the exercise to individual needs

If you have any underlying pathology, it is important to adapt physical exercise to individual needs. For example, if there is urinary incontinence or osteoporosis, these conditions must be taken into account and the intensity and type of exercise adjusted. The goal is to perform the exercise safely and gradually progress in intensity.


Physical exercise is an essential tool for women’s health during menopause. Integrating exercise as part of your lifestyle can help prevent disease and maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system. It is important to adapt exercise to individual needs and perform it regularly to obtain the desired benefits.


Borao, O. (physiotherapist at the University Clinic). (no date). Physical exercise in adult women. Retrieved from [URL]

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