Augment de les Reserves d’Aigua as Pantans Catalans

The hundred Pluges Benefian the Pantans Catalans

The latest rains have been an excellent news for Catalan swamps, especially in the Ter-Lebrega system, which provide the record of Barcelona and Girona. With these past rains, the swamps of the country’s internal farms have continued to increase their water reserves, reaching a level of 1960 percent, according to the report published by the Catal Water Agency (A) on Wednesday. On the swamps of the Earth-Lebrebretrets, which includes Sau-Saudus, the San Baules, Pon, and the Horse of the Russian reserves, in the past 20% reserves.

Remounted from Reserves

According to AACA, the abundance of rains in the last week has allowed swamps to improve their situation, which had considerably gone down because of drought. Moreover, these capabilities can continue to rise, as they expect more hasty and also cause the increase in the cabal to the rivers. In the last few months, the reserves of the swamps have experienced a considerable increase, since in March, their minimum capacity with 143 percent.

Ter-Llobregat System Reserves

The five swamps of the Ter-Lebrega system, which provide 202 municipalities and a population of more than six million people, are already over 20 percent, although slightly. This Wednesday, the San Ponçes swamp, which reaches the metropolitan area of Barcelona, is better in conditions with a 3152 percent of capacity, followed by Bares with 2945% Susada with a 26,57, %and the Horse’s swamp with 2158. However, Sau is in the worst situation with a 3,8% of capacity, and that the water is quickly transferred to ensured by Saud by the water to the second quality of water.

Previsions of More Pluges

The provisions of Cataluña’s Metological Service indicate that in the next few days they could continue rain in Catalonia. For example, for this Thursday is expected to be showers north of the country during the morning, especially in points of the coast and the preloral coast. From noon, there will be showers in Catalonia again, especially as a number of spin sites, even though it is scattered on time and forth. However, there is no denying that there is some drizzle in some point of the Piineu. However, it seems that they will be back from Friday and very much presence.

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