Inici » Rehabilitation of the image of the Royal House

Rehabilitation of the image of the Royal House


The Royal House does not confirm or deny accusations of infidelity

Despite the recent accusations of infidelity directed at Letícia by Jaime del Burgo, the Royal House has chosen not to confirm or deny such claims. Instead, they are running a campaign to rehabilitate the royals’ image and dispel any rumors of marital problems. However, the tension in the couple has been noticed in their recent public appearances. Bad faces and few words have fueled speculation about the true nature of their relationship.

A relationship under public scrutiny

For some time, the relationship between Felipe and Letícia has been the subject of media attention. In 2013, the first rumors emerged about a possible impending divorce, but this never materialized. A crisis that was initially attributed to the scandal of the Nóos case and to Letícia’s pressure to keep Infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin away from the royal house, but now several sources claim that Felipe would then have discovered the whole cake of From the Burgo

Experts in the royal house warn of the end of the relationship between Felipe VI and Letícia

For Pilar Eyre, Letícia’s loneliness is evident as she lacks solid support both within and outside the royal family. The lack of complicity between the couple is evident, which has led Eyre to believe that their relationship is irretrievably broken.

According to Eyre, the complicity and displays of affection between Felipe and Letícia have completely disappeared. Although they might have pretended a good relationship before, now they don’t even bother to keep up appearances. This has led Eyre to believe that marriage no longer exists as such and that the couple may choose to go their separate ways in the future.

A strategy to preserve the image of the Crown

In view of this situation, Zarzuela has proposed to Felipe and Letícia to follow the example of Joan Carlos and Sofia, ceasing coexistence but showing unity in public and institutional events as long as they continue to be kings. In fact, it is explained that they have not eaten or slept together for a long time. And that Felipe spends many nights in his mother’s rooms, 1 km from the Prince’s Pavilion, which for many years has been the residence of the kings. Once Eleanor inherits the throne, they will be able to lead more discreet and independent lives. This strategy is considered the best option to preserve the image and stability of the Crown in a modern context.

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