The Integration of Meghan Markle and Letizia Ortiz in their Royal Families

Parallels in the Trajectories of Meghan Markle and Letizia Ortiz

The arrival of Meghan Markle and Letizia Ortiz in their respective royal families has generated a lot of media interest and inevitable comparisons. Both Meghan and Letizia come from commoner backgrounds and have established careers before their royal marriages. Both have faced similar challenges in integrating into the monarchy, although their trajectories and public perception of each have taken markedly different paths.

Differences in Adaptation and Trajectory

Despite the parallels, the adaptation of each to their new role has been markedly different. Letizia has established herself as a respected figure in the Spanish monarchy, gaining recognition for her work. In contrast, Meghan’s experience in the British Royal Family has been more turbulent, culminating in her decision to step away from her official roles and move to the United States in 2020.

Tensions and Disagreements

Meghan and Letizia’s interactions at real events have been marked by an apparent lack of chemistry. Sources close to the royals suggest some disagreements between them, attributed in part to Meghan’s attitude, perceived by some as haughty. Such behavior would have clashed with the outlook of Letizia, who, despite her position as queen, is considered essentially Meghan’s equal in terms of her non-aristocratic origins.


Despite sharing similar origins and facing similar challenges upon entering royalty, their adaptations and paths have diverged significantly. This disparity has not only shaped their individual careers within royalty, but also appears to have influenced their estranged relationship, marked by less than cordial encounters and an apparent lack of mutual understanding.

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