The relationship between Letícia and Queen Sofia: a different look

A new perspective

Until now, it has been believed that Leticia’s relationship with John Charles I was strained, while with Queen Sofia it was more cordial. However, this perception has changed radically from an incident that took place in 2018 at the door of Palma Cathedral.

The hidden reality

Public opinion has been influenced by the portrayal of harmony between Letícia and Queen Sofia, but recent events have revealed a very different reality. The tension between them has manifested itself on several occasions, despite the attempts of the Royal House to soften this image.

A revealing episode

One of the most revealing episodes took place during a shopping day in Palma de Mallorca in 2006. On this occasion, Letícia showed a less respectful attitude towards Queen Sofia, evidencing a strained relationship that goes back years.

Origins of the conflict

According to recent accounts, the tension between them may have stemmed from a lack of initial support when Leticia joined the royal family. This situation resulted in a deterioration of the relationship, with incidents that have marked their public interaction.

A new narrative

Thus, the initial perception of harmony between Letícia and Queen Sofia has been dismantled, revealing a more complex and tense reality. These events highlight the internal dynamics of the Royal House, offering a new perspective on this relationship.

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