Inici » A Bookstore Specialized in Flora and Fauna Finds Its Space in Sagàs

A Bookstore Specialized in Flora and Fauna Finds Its Space in Sagàs

una biblioteca amb un munt de llibres a les prestatgeries i un llum a la taula del davant, Enguerrand Quarton, il·luminació rembrandt, un barroc flamenc, moviment d'arts i manualitats

A Passionate Adventure to a New Place

Espai 31, located in the old rectory of Sant Andreu, has become a meeting point for lovers of reading focused on ethnobotany and rural life. The owners, Pau Urgell and Sònia Vilà, made the decision to move the bookshop after twelve years in Cardedeu to the small town of Sagàs, with the aim of living in a quiet rural environment and establishing their bookshop there.

A Unique Literary Offer

Espai 31 is a bookstore specializing in topics such as flora and fauna, medicinal plants, horticulture, rural life, local cuisine, traditional crafts, sustainable tourism and popular culture. This wide range of topics is attracting increasing interest among readers, with a clear tendency to preserve popular knowledge, including medicinal remedies and culinary recipes.

The bookstore offers an exclusive selection of books on plants such as thyme, rosemary and fennel, providing detailed information about these plants, their properties, trivia and recipes. In addition, it also offers an extensive collection of books on birds, wildflowers, mushrooms and tree identification guides, as well as novels set in rural settings.

Added Value and Unique Services

Espai 31’s specialization gives it added value, being one of the few bookshops with such a specific theme. This has made the bookstore a point of reference for readers interested in these topics. In addition to sales through their website and physical bookstore, they also participate in fairs, consolidating their presence in this area.

In addition to its wide offer for adults, Espai 31 has a section dedicated to children, with a selection of stories related to nature and high-quality illustrations. This diversity of content has received an excellent welcome in Sagàs, as they are the only bookstore in this area in the town, in addition to being close to the church of Sant Andreu, another point of interest for visitors

Promising Future

The bookstore has managed to establish itself as a benchmark in the community, attracting visitors interested in its unique offer. In addition, they have organized events such as concerts and book launches, with a positive response from the local community. With the intention of continuing along these lines, Pau Urgell plans to organize more botanical outings and literary events in the future.

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