A Curious Nocturnal Experience in Sant Feliu

A Dark Night

Sant Feliu has a special relationship with the night, which offers curious and surprising experiences.

When you arrived in Sant Feliu after passing through Sant Joan Despí, the darkness of the night could make it difficult for you to see the highway bridge, as the streetlights remain off. Fortunately, the safety measures have allowed the lights on bridges and roundabouts to be switched on, although they had remained off for a long time. Let’s hope this change lasts and the switch is not rediscovered to turn them off when the works are finished.

A World of Lanterns

In the Santa Maria and Sant Antoni streets, in front of the Parc 8 de Març, a curious phenomenon is presented with the street lamps. There is an alternation in the extinguishing of the lamps, a situation similar to the 12 tribes of Israel, with six lamps for the even and six for the odd. But, on a recent Holy Week, two of Sant Antoni’s lanterns had gone out. But thanks to the action of some members of the municipal service, most of the streetlights have now been relit. Some repairs are still required to ensure that all streets are well lit. This situation has captivated the attention of the neighbors and has become an interesting case study.

It is remarkable how street lighting can have an impact on the environment, as street lights can influence the general atmosphere and behavior of residents.

A Nocturnal Challenge

Another puzzling situation is found on the roads to the Rodalies provisional station, especially those intended for pedestrians. Dalt Street’s streetlights are often turned off at night, creating a dimly lit and potentially dangerous environment for pedestrians. In addition, Parc Nadal offers a disturbing experience at night, as the lighting is inadequate and does not offer sufficient security. This situation contrasts with the attention to detail in other areas of the city, and raises a question about the safety and well-being of pedestrians during the night hours.

A Look to the Future

With the arrival of summer and the lengthening of the days, it is important to consider how to improve the night lighting in Sant Feliu. It is essential that local authorities take action to improve the lighting of streets, parks and pedestrian areas, to ensure the safety and well-being of residents and visitors at night.

It is also essential that regular maintenance is carried out to ensure that all lighting systems are working properly. This will not only improve safety, but also contribute to improving the aesthetic appearance of the city.


Night lighting has a significant impact on the daily life of a city’s residents, and Sant Feliu is no exception. Improving nighttime lighting can improve safety, quality of life and contribute to creating a more pleasant environment for everyone. It is important that the community and the authorities work together to address this issue and improve the night time experience in the city.

A Literary Inspiration

The title of this article is inspired by a quote from the German poet Goethe, who stated that the light of thought can dispel the darkness of ignorance. This idea reminds us of the importance of lighting, both physical and metaphorical, in our daily lives.

A Last Record

As a final reminder, it is important to maintain a critical and reflective outlook on issues affecting our community. This article offers a look at the peculiarities of the night lighting in Sant Feliu, with the hope that it can improve and enrich the nocturnal experience of the city’s inhabitants and visitors.

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