Inici » A man and a woman accused of drug trafficking are sent to trial in Manresa

A man and a woman accused of drug trafficking are sent to trial in Manresa

una taula amb diverses bosses de subministraments mèdics i una bossa de mocadors al damunt amb una etiqueta de nom, Christo, foto del producte, una foto d'estoc, plasticien

A couple accused of drug trafficking in Manresa will be tried

The Barcelona Court will hold a trial against a man and a woman accused of drug trafficking in Manresa. The defendants were caught in a police check in 2020 with cocaine and marijuana wrappers in their vehicle. The Prosecutor’s Office is asking for a sentence of four years in prison for each of the defendants, as well as a fine of 800 euros.

Details of the case

According to the prosecution’s indictment, the defendants were intercepted in a police checkpoint on August 15, 2020. During the inspection of the vehicle, the agents discovered marijuana wrappers and cocaine wrappers hidden in the trunk and in the women’s handbag The confiscated substances had a total weight of 41.46 grams of marijuana and 2.99 grams of cocaine.

Charges and possible penalties

The Prosecutor’s Office accuses the defendants of a crime against public health and asks for a sentence of four years in prison for each of them, as well as a fine of 800 euros. In addition, the special disqualification for the exercise of the right to suffrage is requested.

Economic evaluation of substances

According to the National Central Office of Narcotics, the value of the confiscated marijuana was 211 euros, while the cocaine was sold for 182 euros on the illicit market. This means that the defendants would have made a profit of around 393 euros from the sale of the confiscated drugs.

Date of trial

The trial is scheduled for May 23 and will be held in the ninth section of the Court of Barcelona.

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