A Tribute to the Ebro Delta and its Inhabitants

A Place With History

The Ebro delta is a place with a rich history and a wide variety of proper names. One of these names is Sant Jaume d’Enveja, a town that has witnessed different events over the years.

Sant Jaume d’Enveja emerged as a town around the year 1800, thanks to the exploitation of the salt mines. But much earlier, in its municipal area, was the old port of Tortosa, known as Port Fangós. This port was formed by the union of several islands, such as the island of Cases, the island of Abària and the island of Riu, which advanced by gaining land in the sea until creating the island of Buda.

A Fight Against Nature

Sant Jaume d’Enveja is a special place, since its inhabitants fought against nature to get what they wanted. Their predecessors embanked marshes to be able to plant rice, despite the difficulties and diseases that this entailed. They had to endure diseases such as malaria and other infections, as there were no health facilities of their own and it was difficult to move around.

But these inhabitants were brave and defied adversity. They managed to conquer nature and turn this inhospitable land into a fertile and productive place. This is a testament to the strength and determination of these people.

A Site of Teachers and Claims

Sant Jaume d’Enveja is also a place of teachers and claims. My parents started their careers as teachers in this locality. My father worked at the Sant Jaume Unitary School, while my mother worked at the Illa de Riu farm (Comandanta).

My parents were more than teachers, they were fighters. They fought so that their students could continue studying beyond the limitations of an almost incommunicado territory. They participated in the resolution of social conflicts and territorial claims. His work was recognized by his students, who dedicated a street to the memory of my father, Àngel Aznar.

Proud to be born in Sant Jaume

I am proud to have been born in Sant Jaume d’Enveja, even though Tortosa appears on the DNI as the place of birth. Until 1978, Sant Jaume was the municipality of Tortosa. Every time I return to this land, my heart fills with emotion and I feel connected to its people.

The Ebro delta is a unique place, full of beauty and natural wealth. It is a place that deserves to be recognized and valued by everyone. The inhabitants of the delta, like me, are citizens of the Ebro and we are proud of our land.

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