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Aesthetics as a key factor in football

un home amb camisa vermella es troba davant d'una multitud de gent en un estadi amb la boca oberta, David Budd, jove, una pintura fotorealista, realisme fantàstic

Norbert Stiles: an atypical player

Norbert Stiles, known as Nobby, was discovered by Manchester United when he was 18 years old. His physical appearance was not typical of a football player. He was short, thin, with a face that looked like a convict and missing some of his front teeth. Some people speculated that this lack was due to a punch he received while practicing his other favorite sport, boxing. Others suggested it was due to dental problems. The truth seems to be that he had poor dental hygiene, which was common in Collyhurst, a suburb in north-east Manchester.

A peculiar style of play

Nobby’s game was unique. He had vision problems and wore contact lenses when playing, which allowed him to have a clear view when he wanted to annoy his opponents. It aimed for pimples and never failed. He played in midfield alongside Bobby Charlton, and the two were very different. Off the field, he accompanied George Best on his nightly outings. The highlight of his career was reaching the semi-finals of the 1966 World Cup, where he scored a goal for Eusebio, the Portuguese star. After the game, he took off his false teeth and showed his fangs to Eusebio, in an image that has remained forever in football’s memory.

Appearance is not everything

Nobby Stiles was not an attractive player, he was tough and gruff. But all the coaches wanted him on their team. There was something about him that made him always headline. His appearance was not important, what counted was his performance on the field. He was a key player in the success of Manchester United and the English national team. He showed that aesthetics are not everything in football, but what matters is talent and passion for the game.

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