Inici » An individual cuts the neck of his parent and throws his head against several vehicles in the town of Soto de Ribera

An individual cuts the neck of his parent and throws his head against several vehicles in the town of Soto de Ribera


Arrest of an unbalanced individual

An out-of-control man was arrested yesterday after slitting his father’s neck in Soto de Ribera, Asturias. The incident, completely unknown, sowed fear among the residents, who witnessed how the individual, soaked in blood and stripped to the top half, amused himself with the decapitated head as if it were a soccer ball in a roundabout of Soto de Ribera, even throwing it at the vehicles traveling on the road, without stopping to laugh, according to eyewitnesses.

Details of the occurrence

The victim, M. M., a seventy-year-old man who had allegedly worked as a hospital manager for a long time, was deprived of his life by his son, P. M., 46 years old, residing with him in the same residence near the roundabout. The murdered man left behind two other younger children. The causes of the tragic attack have not been revealed, it is only known that the son cut his father’s neck with a knife. Eyewitnesses witnessed him with his head in one hand and the murder weapon in the other, right at the roundabout. The headless body of the victim was left in the home, where it was thoroughly examined by agents of the Civil Guard.

Description of the aggressor

The individual allegedly responsible for the crime is tall and slim with graying hair. Witnesses report that he showed completely uncontrolled behavior, covered in blood on his face, torso and arms. “This decapitated man at the Soto de Ribera roundabout has gone on a killing spree. There is an old man’s head on the floor, as I tell you, and a shirtless man covered in blood has thrown himself on top of my vehicle . The Civil Guard intervened and subjugated him, but there is a head in the roundabout, it seems that he has cut a person in the mouth, surprising”, declared a driver of one of the vehicles attacked by the alleged perpetrator of the crime, that he still could not grow what had happened. Some of the vehicles parked after meeting the attacker had blood stains.

Police response and witness reaction

A large number of Civil Guard officers immediately moved to the scene, one of them was surrounded by the individual and jumped on him up to three times, together with the medical services of emergencies The officers managed to slow him down and apprehend him. He was initially transferred to the Soto de Ribera barracks, but due to his altered mental state, he was referred to the Psychiatry area of ​​the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA), where he remained admitted.

Several witnesses described their experiences, highlighting the individual’s chaotic actions and his terrifying reaction to the vehicles. Witnesses expressed fear and concern about the situation, stating that some vehicles showed damage caused by the assailant. The warnings of the film drivers spoke for themselves: ‘Guys, don’t come through Soto de Ribera. There is a shirtless and bloody madman, who has tried to jump on top of all the vehicles, the Civil Guard is coming. He’s shirtless and jumping over all the vehicles. Don’t pass by here’.

Ongoing investigation

There were initial reports of other people injured during the incident, although the Civil Guard has not confirmed any further casualties. The case is under investigation by the Scientific Police of the Armed Institute.

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