Inici » Berga municipal accounts under scrutiny by the Ministry of Finance

Berga municipal accounts under scrutiny by the Ministry of Finance

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Alert from the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance has sent a notification to the Berga government, pointing out the delay in payments to suppliers. This communication urges the city council to take measures to improve the treasury plan and avoid delays in payments.

Delay in payments

According to the letter from the Ministry of Finance, Berga City Council has exceeded the legal deadline for payment to suppliers, with an average payment period of more than 60 days. This situation has been highlighted in quarterly reports, with average payment periods exceeding 100 and 130 days in previous quarters.

Reactions of the opposition

The opposition to the City Council, represented by Berga Grup Independent (BeGI), has pointed out the lack of financial control and the need for better management of income and payments. The spokeswoman for the group, Judit Vinyes, has expressed concern about the lag in payments and has urged the government to take corrective measures.

Possible penalties

The letter from the Ministry of Finance also warns about the possibility of sanctions by European institutions due to delays in payments to suppliers. The need to comply with current regulations is emphasized to avoid possible punitive actions.

Answer from the Councilor of Finance

The finance councilor of Berga City Council, Moisès Masanas, has recognized the need to apply corrective measures to reduce delays in payments to suppliers. He assured that the government team is working in this regard and clarified that the letter from the Ministry of Finance is a generic message to corporations with late payments.

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