Blue Economy: A New Horizon for Sustainable Development

The Revolution of the Blue Economy

The didactic work promoted by the EU and other bodies has contributed to a greater understanding of the green economy, but there are other models such as the blue economy, which focuses on the marine environment and seeks to establish a respectful exchange system with natural resources. This concept, although not recent, was detailed by the Belgian economist Gunter Pauli in 1994 in his book La Economía Azul, where the principles of a production and exchange system that prioritizes respect for the environment and ecosystems.

Examples of Implementation

A prominent example of the implementation of this theory is the Quebec region in Canada, which was recently visited by a delegation from the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Port of Barcelona with the aim of activating joint projects and alliances. This trip has made it possible to learn about new methods of sustainable fishing and responsible coastal management, as well as exploring the development of logistical and technological solutions in this area. In addition, it has been observed that in Barcelona, ​​approximately 5% of the city’s GDP is linked to the blue economy.

Definition of the World Bank

According to the World Bank, the blue economy involves the sustainable use of ocean resources to foster economic growth, improve living conditions and employment, while maintaining the health of ecosystems. Thus, this economic approach promotes sustainable development, entrepreneurship and innovation, based on principles such as efficiency in the use of resources, the valorization of waste as resources and the symbiosis of the system at a global level.

The Future of the Blue Economy

The adoption of the blue economy poses challenges and opportunities for the future of the Catalan coast. As this economic model is explored, it is crucial to consider how it can influence the sustainable development of the region and how it can contribute to the preservation of marine ecosystems.

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