Inici » Cantabria: Search for speleologists missing in cave

Cantabria: Search for speleologists missing in cave

tres homes amb vestits de color taronja dempeus en una cova amb esquís i bastons a les mans i una motxilla a l'espatlla, Artur Grottger, ambient trist però brillant, pintura rupestre, arbeitsrat für kunst

The Government of Cantabria searches for the missing speleologists

The Government of Cantabria is carrying out an intense search for the two speleologists who are missing in a cave in the region. During the night, rescue teams followed the route marked in the cavity, but were unable to locate the missing people.

Possibility of cavers not being in the cave

According to authorities, there is a possibility that the speleologists are not in the cave. Regional president María José Sáenz de Buruaga mentioned on social media that drones and helicopters are being used in the search, and that more than 44 emergency personnel are participating.

Experience of the missing speleologists

The two missing cavers are a couple with experience in this type of routes. He is from Salamanca and she is from Valladolid, and they hired the services of a company to make the journey independently. The expedition began on Saturday and the emergency service was not aware of its activity.

Deployment of rescue teams

In addition to the teams of the Government of Cantabria, members of the Mountain Rescue and Intervention Group of the Civil Guard and the Military Emergency Unit (UME) have joined in the search operation. Teams have been prepared to inspect areas outside the marked route, in case the missing had entered an unmarked path.

Continuation of rescue efforts

Rescue efforts resumed this Monday, with the hope of finding the missing speleologists. It is hoped that search and rescue teams will be able to locate them as soon as possible.

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