Inici » Choirs and orchestras to publicize the life of Clavé

Choirs and orchestras to publicize the life of Clavé

un director i una orquestra amb un director al davant i un director al fons de la sala, Charles Angrand, composició, un barroc flamenc, escola de barbizon

The Kursaal will be the stage for the cantata “El jove Anselm Clavé”

The Kursaal will be the setting for a magnificent cantata that will transport us to the life of the illustrious composer Anselm Clavé. This unique production will feature the participation of sixteen choirs and two orchestras from central Catalonia. It will be an unmissable opportunity to learn more about his biography and enjoy his music.

A celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of Josep Anselm Clavé

The city of Manresa celebrates the bicentenary of the birth of Josep Anselm Clavé, a prominent figure in the choral movement in Catalonia. For this reason, a special cantata has been prepared that portrays his life and work. This unique performance will take place in the Kursaal Theater and will be a unique opportunity for all music and culture lovers.

An exciting show

The show will take us through the life of Anselm Clavé, from his childhood to the creation of the first choral societies. We will also be able to enjoy his most outstanding compositions. The work was created by the talented composer Andrea de Escalada and has received praise since its premiere at the Auditori de Barcelona. Now, it arrives in Manresa in a smaller-scale production, but with all the choral and symphonic potential of the region.

A production with local talent

The cantata will have the participation of the Manresa Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra and its youth section. In addition, sixteen choral formations from central Catalonia will come together to perform this unique work. Directors Sílvia Sanfeliu, Jordi Coll, Francesc Vallès and Joel Díaz have worked together to create an unforgettable show.

An opportunity to get closer to Clavé’s life and work

The cantata “El jove Anselm Clavé” has a duration of 80 minutes and will allow us to learn more about the figure of this illustrious composer. Through music and words, we will delve into his life and discover his importance in the development of the choral movement in Catalonia. It will be a unique and enriching experience for all attendees.

A production you cannot miss

If you are a lover of music and culture, you cannot miss this opportunity. The cantata “El jove Anselm Clavé” will be a unique and exciting experience. Come to the Kursaal Theater and let yourself be captivated by the life and work of this great composer. You won’t be disappointed!

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