Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Stella Maris in the archdiocese of Tarragona

A home away from home

The diocesan Secretariat of the Apostolate of the Sea – Stella Maris has celebrated twenty-five years of presence in the archdiocese of Tarragona. On Wednesday, June 26, the commemoration ceremony took place, coinciding with the inauguration and blessing of the expansion of the premises, after the administrative concession of the Port Authority of Tarragona for the entirety of the building where there was already the Stella Maris Centre, and the creation of the new oratory.

Support and collaboration

The event had a wide representation of the ecclesiastical, civil and military institutions that collaborate with Stella Maris, as well as the companies that support it and the volunteers that make their work possible in the Port of Tarragona.

Recognition of generosity

In the first intervention of the event, the Director of Corporate Development and Sustainability of the Port Authority of Tarragona, Joan Basora, highlighted the motto of Stella Maris, “Your home away from home”, referring “to what aims to be a point of reference and confidence for all sailors”.

Historical tour and appreciation

For his part, the current director of the diocesan Secretariat of the Apostolate of the Sea – Stella Maris, Vicenç Veses, began his speech reviewing the historical journey of the entity, which has been possible “thanks to many tons of generosity of the volunteers, who have given their free time to others with joy, and of the institutions and companies that have made their material support possible”.

Permanent presence of the Church in the world of the sea

Archbishop Joan, before proceeding to the blessing of the expanded spaces and the new oratory, addressed a few words to thank the work carried out by Stella Maris, which becomes “the permanent presence of the Church in the world of the sea”.

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