Complaint about the lack of swimming pools in Manresa


I want to express my complaint, along with other citizens of Manresa, about the lack of adequate municipal swimming pools in our city. As a mother of two girls, every summer we face the same problem: we don’t have a place to cool off and spend a pleasant time as a family. This situation forces us to look for other alternatives outside of Manresa, since many towns in the vicinity have adequate facilities for their inhabitants.

Disadvantages and disadvantages

One of the drawbacks we encounter is the price we have to pay to access swimming pools in neighboring towns. In some cases, we non-residents pay even double the price paid by registered residents. Although this price difference is understandable, since the facilities are intended for the inhabitants of the village, it is a frustrating situation for us Manresans. In addition, Manresa’s municipal swimming pools are more focused on sports than on family leisure, with a single outdoor pool and no specific facilities for the little ones.

Improvement proposal

I believe that it is necessary to invest part of our taxes in the construction of suitable facilities in Manresa. With the land available in the city, it would be possible to create municipal swimming pools that would allow the residents of Manresa to enjoy the summer without having to travel to other locations. This investment would improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and favor family leisure.


I hope that this complaint reaches many people, including the city council, and that it serves to achieve a change in this situation. It is important that we Manresans have the opportunity to enjoy adequate and economically accessible municipal swimming pools. With an improvement in this aspect, we could enjoy the summer in our own city without having to depend on other localities.

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