Discover the secret to keeping your shower cabin sparkling

Fighting dirt in the shower cabin

The shower cabin is a space prone to accumulating dirt, from lime stains to mold, due to its constant contact with water. However, there is an effective remedy to solve these problems.

Remove mold

Mold, commonly present on the corners, bars and silicone of the shower stall, can be removed using vinegar, known for its cleaning and degreasing properties. Applying vinegar to a microfiber cloth and letting it sit before scrubbing with a toothbrush is an effective solution for fighting mold.

Remove the lime

Limescale stains, the result of constant contact with water, can be removed with vinegar, which also has brightening properties. Spray it on taps, hoses and shower heads, and let it sit before scrubbing vigorously to get rid of the limescale.

Housing the crystal

Vinegar is also effective at removing water stains and restoring shine to shower stall glass. Mixing vinegar and water in a spray bottle, applying it to the glass and then wiping with a microfiber cloth will leave the glass sparkling.

Cleaning tiles and joints

Vinegar is useful for deep cleaning tiles and whitening blackened joints. Applying vinegar in a spray bottle, scrubbing with a toothbrush and letting it sit before rinsing thoroughly is an effective solution for keeping shower cubicle tiles and grouting clean.

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