Inici » Dismantling of a sex trafficking network in Catalonia

Dismantling of a sex trafficking network in Catalonia

La Guardia Civil ha desarticulado una organización criminal que explotaba sexualmente a nueve mujeres en prostíbulos de Alcanar y Vinaròs. Se ha detenido a seis personas, entre ellas los dos cabecillas del grupo criminal, una mujer de 37 años y un hombre de 32. Algunas de las víctimas vivían en el mismo lugar donde eran obligadas a ejercer la prostitución, viviendo en condiciones de hacinamiento, en una situación de extrema vulnerabilidad y en pésimas condiciones higiénico-sanitarias, según ha detallado la Benemérita en un comunicado. Paralelamente, los miembros(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

Operation against sexual exploitation

Recently, the Civil Guard has managed to dismantle a complex organization dedicated to the sexual exploitation of nine women in Alcanar and Vinaròs. The operation has culminated in the arrest of six individuals, including the main leaders of the network, a 37-year-old woman and a 32-year-old man.

Inhumane conditions of the victims

The female victims, who were forced into prostitution, lived in extremely precarious situations, often crowded into small spaces and with deplorable hygienic conditions. According to the Benemérita statement, these victims not only suffered deprivation of liberty, but were also subject to constant control by members of the organization.

Bleaching tools and international connections

In addition to the illegal exploitation activities, investigators have discovered that the detainees had purchased 80 Christmas lottery tickets, presumably as a strategy to launder a potential prize. The investigation is also expanding to explore money transfers to Latin America, which could be related to human trafficking.

Capture and control of victims

The operation began in early 2024, when it was detected that in a local business and a home in the area there were women offering sexual services without the appropriate documentation. The members of the network used video surveillance systems to monitor their victims, who were constantly accompanied by them.

Deceptive advertising strategies

To attract clients, the organization used websites dedicated to promoting sexual services. Through these platforms, they published photographs of the women with misleading descriptions, thus reinforcing their exploitation and control.

Disarticulation of the network

The first phase of the operation culminated in the arrest of the two leaders and the search of several properties. 6,270 euros in cash were seized, as well as computer devices containing data on the women recruited and the services they offered.

Victim support

After their release, the nine women have been able to access social services that provide them with psychological assistance and support to restart their lives, away from the abuse and manipulation of their captors.

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