Inici » Efficient and agile administration is possible

Efficient and agile administration is possible

una gran habitació amb fileres de cadires i un podi al centre de la sala amb una catifa vermella, emperador Huizong de Song, camí traçat, una foto de desplaçament d'inclinació, neoisme


This year, it is expected that the tax release day in Catalonia will be in mid-July. From this date, Catalan taxpayers, on average, will have fulfilled all our tax obligations for the year and will be able to enjoy the fruits of our work. This figure, which represents 55% of our income, makes us reflect on whether it is sufficient, abusive, excessive or insufficient. We will leave this value judgment to the discretion of the reader. What we can say is that it is a considerable amount of money and that, instead of seeking to increase it, the rulers should focus on optimizing it. As the Spanish saying goes, ‘lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno’. In the administration, we must work to achieve quality services with the available resources. Only when we have made the most of these resources, we can consider whether we need more and where we will get them.

Examples of optimization

We have seen a clear example of this approach recently at the Manresa Town Hall, where a restructuring of the Local Police has been carried out with the aim of improving public safety and efficiency in use of resources. Thanks to this measure, a group of agents has been freed up so that they can focus on more specific tasks related to crime prevention, improving street safety and proximity to businesses. This has been achieved by hiring sworn guards from an outside company to monitor public buildings. This change has not only resulted in financial savings, but has also made it possible to increase the police presence on the streets immediately, without having to wait for the training of new officers or their integration into the force. Another positive example is the agreement reached by Councilor Jesús Alonso with the professional associations for the granting of building licences, with the aim of encouraging investment in the city.

Importance of optimizing public resources

In short, these examples remind us of the importance of optimizing public resources. At a time when demand for quality public services is high and budgets are tight, it is essential to work smart and efficiently to ensure the well-being and safety of citizens. This means making bold and innovative decisions, and not just following established practices. As we have seen in Manresa, this mentality can lead to positive changes and a significant improvement in the provision of public services. It is necessary to think beyond the ‘it has always been done this way’ and look for creative and efficient solutions to face the current challenges.

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