Inici » El Nai de Vallcebre and the Carlin uprising of 1900

El Nai de Vallcebre and the Carlin uprising of 1900

un grup d'homes al costat d'una colla de gossos en un camp de terra amb una muntanya al fons, Cafer Bater, fotografia professional, un trencaclosques, els nabis

The Carlin uprising in Vallcebre and other localities

During the year 1900, the Berguedan pugs performed in Vallcebre, la Nou, Castellar del Riu, Fígols, Avià and Gironella. Several sources recount the events of that time, highlighting the participation of Ramón Grandia, known as the Nay de Vallcebre, in this Carline game.

The press and events

The press of the time followed the events in detail. The newspaper La Época de Madrid reported on the Carlino uprising, highlighting the participation of the Berga party and its actions in the region. Other newspapers such as El Heraldo de Madrid and El Liberal de Madrid also covered the events, reporting on the records and the dissolution of Berga’s party.

The figure of José Grandia Soler

One of the relevant characters of these events was José Grandia Soler, known as the Nai de Vallcebre. The press of the time portrayed him as a prominent Carlist leader, with references to his actions and influence in the region.

The historical context and the repercussions

This chronicle of the Carlin events of the year 1900 also highlights the historical context and the repercussions of those events in the region. In addition, the continued presence of pugs in the region in later years is highlighted, with references to their participation in other historical events.

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