Inici » El Periódico and BBVA reward sustainable projects with the ‘BBVA Business Sustainability Award’

El Periódico and BBVA reward sustainable projects with the ‘BBVA Business Sustainability Award’

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An opportunity for entrepreneurs and companies committed to sustainability

The newspaper El Periódico and BBVA have joined forces to recognize and reward sustainable projects with the ‘BBVA Business Sustainability Award’. This award is aimed at entrepreneurs, freelancers and companies that are committed to the development of initiatives that contribute to sustainability. Interested companies can send their application until July 31.

Promoting a greener economy

This is the second edition of the award, which seeks to give visibility to the transition towards a more sustainable economy. The winners will be the companies that apply sustainable practices in their business model. The award is aimed at freelancers, entrepreneurs and companies with a turnover of up to 7 million euros, and aims to encourage the development of initiatives that contribute to a more sustainable environment.

An opportunity for more companies and professionals

The first edition of the award was a success, and this has led to its repetition to give the opportunity to more companies and professionals to participate and present their sustainable proposals. This recognition is a platform for companies and freelancers who want to publicize their initiatives and contribute to sustainability.

The importance of sustainability in the business world

In recent years, attention to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria has increased in the European Union. Companies are increasingly aware of the importance of aligning their projects and business strategies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ESG practices. The digital and social transformation has made companies more aware of their environmental impact and look for sustainable solutions.

Responsible innovation for a sustainable future

Nowadays, responsible innovation is a key aspect in the business world. Companies that commit to sustainability and responsible innovation have more flexibility in the face of change and are more competitive. This award recognizes and promotes projects that combine economic benefit with a sustainable and innovative vision.

22,000 euros for the winning projects

In this edition, a total of 22,000 euros will be allocated to promote, grow and recognize the winning projects. The jury will take into account aspects such as environmental and social benefits, innovation and technical feasibility of the projects to select the winners. The finalist projects of the previous edition stood out for working with an ecological and sustainable production system, using clean and low-carbon technologies and promoting responsible consumption.

The award ceremony

The awards ceremony will be held on October 29, where the names of the two winners will be presented and revealed. It will be an opportunity to get to know the eight finalist projects in depth and celebrate the successes in business sustainability.

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